In As Much… Pray Big

Many times I wonder if we pray confidently enough or with enough understanding of how much impact prayer can have when we are specific.
I recently had a conversation with a person who had been praying very specific prayers about selling his business. He had been so detailed in his prayer that he had actually drawn out what the document would look like; including figures, terms, and signatures. Incidentally his business sold for a significant amount of money and he received every thing he had asked for in detail.
On the flip side I hear of people praying for other things, such as healing without detail or being specific and then they are shaken when the healing doesn’t come. I recently explained this to someone who recently lost a relative to cancer. The gentleman was a believer and had battled long with a prayer of healing going up to God continually. As I explained to this individual as realization came through the words I was speaking. We are Spiritual beings who happen to live here in an earth suit. God sees us not in the scope of our limitations here but in the long future that we as Christians have with Him in eternity. So in a sense this individual was given the healing he asked for when he passed on to be with Jesus, released from the bondage of this earth.
Whatever you are praying for, whether health, finance, or relationships remember to pray detailed specific prayers. Pray Big.

A dear friend of mine always ends his prayer like this,
“Thank you God for always answering my prayers”..-Pastor Alex Anderson

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20, 21 NIV)

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. (Mark 11:24 NIV)

I love that confidence. Lord inasmuch as we pray ,may we pray confident, specific prayers.

In As Much…Tenacity

Sometimes we go out with the desire to achieve the vision that we feel God has placed in us and we come up against people who will speak against that vision or may even make fun of what we feel God has for us. Stand firm and go to His Word for confirmation and support. Surround yourself with wise counselors who understand what it means to follow God.
The Bible say that Gods word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
It is not a floodlight showing the entire path in front of you, however, it is a lamp revealing the next step in front of you..
Don’t build your life for where you are but for where God is taking you.”Quit letting people’s opinions of your vision dictate your destiny”
“Stop dumbing down your destiny to fit in with people who’s opinion doesn’t matter in the Kingdom scope of life”
Stand firm and take massive action on the vision that God has put in your life.The difference between a daydreamer and a visionary is action. Visionaries act on the dream God has given them.
A few of these statements have really hit hard in my own mind and really do help when the challenges come from those around you. These come from a sermon by Steven Furtick called “Dress For The Wedding”

“Press On”

Matthew 25;40….Inasmuch as you have done it to the least of these, you have done it to me.