
As I fly to another destination today my thoughts are with a very special group of people who are also flying today . Bayside has sent a team of folks to Los Angeles to minister for a week with the Dream Center.
I remember two years ago Feb when I was one of the members of a Bayside Team headed out to do this  exact mission.
Wow what a life changing trip. The impact that Pastor Matthew and his team have had on the Los Angeles area and the people whom others would turn away from has been staggering.
I remember working with Matt Hendry on Skid Row and taking the time to show Gods love to a heroin addict who needed a break.  Matt was able to get this young man checked into the DC Treatment and Discipleship program. I remember talking to a gifted homeless artist who we were able to get new tennis shoes for and the blessing that was to him.
Hundreds are fed. Families on the edge of failure are given the hand up that they need to survive as a family unit. Scenarios that you cannot even comprehend are faced each day by this awesome team of volunteers who simply want to be the hands and feet of our Lord.
My prayers go with these folks as they journey out to be a light in a dark place.