Press On

As I’m growing my businesses I am overcome with frustration, concern, fear, and even doubt at times. Through this I must remain engaged and plugged into my “vision” for the business.
There are so many distractions and they come in the form of news, propaganda, rumor, etc. We as entrepreneurs must stay committed to the vision or the “why” of our plan. I have found that having a group of like minded people surrounding me is of great help. Surround yourself with like minded mentors, men and woman who have been through the creation of a startup and know what obstacles can be thrown in your path, and the solutions and tools for navigating these obstacles. They can be called many things; think tanks, mastermind groups, accountability partners. Whatever you want to call this group doesn’t matter, what matters is that you have them on your side.
Now get out there and get to work putting together this team of wise counselors and if there’s anything I can do to help, send me a message.
[email protected]