
Websters Dictionary Describes It Like This..

Pronunciation: \kən-ˈvēn-yən(t)s\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : fitness or suitability for performing an action or fulfilling a requirement 2 a : something (as an appliance, device, or service) conducive to comfort or ease b chiefly British : toilet 3 3 : a suitable or convenient time 4 : freedom from discomfort : ease

At dinner last evening my friends and I had a lovely debate about today’s conveniences. We were speaking in context of serving others and how sometimes we see folks participating in acts of service only if they are “convenient”.
i.e. – only if its close to home, or at a certain time, or an assortment of other conditions.
The one thing that I can see that is a constant is this..”Need is not convenient”.
As I think back to the times of Jesus and His Disciples I see clearly that what they did was not convenient. Many left homes, families, livelihoods, and positions in order to help with something that was bigger than them.
As we serve in our communities, lets try to emulate that characteristic that made such an impact in history. Service is not about convenience. It’s about a call, a call to something higher .
May you find blessing in your serving…