In As Much…… Day 1

Today we began our first official day of serving here at LA Dream Center and the day began at 6:00 for breakfast. We then had the opportunity of doing the bedding and towel laundry for the Short Term Missions Dept. For this we piled ourselves and the laundry into our van and drove to the laundromat where we spent a couple hours completing the task. We turned it into a great opportunity to share personal stories with each other and create a nice building moment .
After lunch we got together with the kids ministry here and went out to two different “project” communities where we had the blessing of spending 3 hours playing football and sharing a Bible lesson about Gods creation of each one of them in His image . It was awesome to watch Georgia, the young intern who led the outreach, as she would look right into each of their sweet faces and tell them how special each one of them were to God who made them. After the lesson there was a nice prayer, some candy and then off to the next location.
We truly are blessed to be able to share in this ministry and to continue to gain insight on our own ministry.
We are blessed …

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