I was privileged to have been given the opportunity to speak to our Acme Children’s Program during the first week of December and I can say that it was an honor to be able to share a message on a subject that is dear to my heart. The Month of December’s theme was about giving to others and helping the less fortunate and I was slated to speak on our outreach ministry called Adopt A Block.

While preparing my message notes I came up with two points 1. GIVE, 2. OTHERS and I used scriptures from Matthew that pertained to Christ’s ministry about feeding the hungry, caring for the needy, healing the sick, and just being like Christ in our communities and then at the end we invited the kids and their parents to attend our December 17th Adopt A Block Christmas event where we go into the community and hand out cards, homemade cookies, and do a special craft. I could never have anticipated the response from the children that we received; we had over 180 volunteers show up to help out on that special day of which over 20 families of the Acme kids were present. It came down to a simple two letter acrostic GO.
The only work that our Lord asks of us is to go and share the Gospel. The word GO is used 1542 times in the Bible.
As you go into this Christmas giving season please remember to GO and share with those in need. Matthew 25:35 says ” I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger and you invited me into your home. I was naked and you gave me clothing. I was sick and you cared for me. I was in prison and you visited me.”
In verse 40 the Word goes on to say “I tell you the truth,when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me.”
Blessings and may you GO and be The Difference…
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