In As Much… Day 4
Last night we had service at Angelus Temple. Mike Foster spoke about our being the ” people of second chances”.
With this message brewing in our souls we head out today to work with Project Prevention; a ministry of Dream Center that works with Dept of Children and Family Services to assist families that are on the edge of falling apart. This ministry works with the case workers to build strong and healthy life giving relationships. They provide food, personal hygiene, baby items to these families to release them of that financial burden. They also visit them weekly to build relationship and trust. We spent time with Tanisha. Tanisha was a prostitute all of her life and has had ten children. When she was brought before a judge 10 years ago the judge took all of her kids ANC put them into the system( foster and ward of state group homes ). On a bus ride home one afternoon she was asked if she needed help and was given a phone number to Project Prevention at the Dream Center. Fast forward to today.. Some of Tanishas children have been adopted out by the system however she has several with her at home including a beautiful 10 month old baby boy. She has not prostituted herself or participated in drugging in over three years. She currently goes to Church at Angelus Temple which sits on Sunset right down from where she used to work the streets. She is involved in prayer groups and has a burning desire to start a ministry to women working the streets of LA. To hear this beautiful soul testify to what the Lord has done in her life…drives us to be people ” Of a second chance”
Tanishas pimp has been sentenced to 134 years in prison. Please pray for his salvation and an opportunity to experience Gods Grace.